There are so many things to remember when having a baby. Don't let your delivery bag be a challenge and don't overpack!
Before having my first child, I was wildly browsing the web checking out every post about what to expect with delivery while seeing a lot of luggage lists.
After having three children, these are the things I recommend without overpacking.

Fair warning, #6 may shock you but, give it some thought!
What to take:
Pillow & Blankets - for you and anyone spending the night with you. The hospital blankets they supply might be heated but it's temporary! Often too they don't have a lot of extra if it's a busy delivery day! Bring and extra for your spouse and, no brainer, bring a blanket for your baby for the car ride home
Chapstick - the hospital is dry and you will be working so hard your lips will dry up
Slippers or Heavy Socks- it's cold in a hospital and they don't provide! Also, it's a bit of a shock on your body after baby and most women get chills.
Jammies - about 3 should do for baby and definitely something for yourself - why lounge in those awful hospital gowns longer than needed? They're uncomfortable, cold and don't have easy access to the breast! Usually they will gift you a baby hat too but it's best to have one just in case, especially if snow is flying outside!
Diapers/Wipes - for baby. About 6-8 diapers as most hospitals have them while you're there.
Diapers - for mom. whaaat? yes. for mom. A friend suggested this to me and I'm so thankful. During labour, forget maxi pads and leakage around the edges. When your water breaks and you have a 40 minute drive to hospital, you'll be thankful for the absorbancy of a diaper! Immediately after delivery, you'll also want the best coverage because girl, it's a mess.
Food/Drinks - Labour is tough! There is debate on snacking while in labour in case your end up with a surprise c-section, but chances are you will need the energy if you are working on labour 10+ hours! I say take light snacks and lots of hydration! If you don't want to eat during labour you will be starving after! Also, if you are there after hours and sometimes on weekends, the shops in the hospital are closed! So when hunger strikes, be prepared!
Camera & charge cords - the last thing you want is to miss a pic of your newborn, or your 1st family photo! A bonus if you can snag a few during labour/delivery. We accomplished this by having a doula present and making our wishes clear. It may seem odd at first but, it truly is a magical and once-twice-thrice in a lifetime experience! You don't need the icky shots, but getting the faces of you and your loved one is... there are just no words! If you don't like them you can always delete them later! We did that for our baby and I LOVE looking at them and recalling the amazing experience and the hard work! And video footage- is. the. best.
Nursing Bra & bra pads - something comfortable and easy to use. I found a great nursing tank that I tend to wear all too often. When you expose the breast the breast cover doesn't flop back up into baby's face, which is a huge frustration when learning to breastfeed! If you aren't breastfeeding, you may still be dripping.
Car Seat- The hospital won't let you take baby home without inspecting your seat first!
Formula & Breast Pump - If you end up in a situation where feeding is super challenging, keep the pump handy to maintain breast stimulation. The ladies need to know you will require their assistance when up and moving, and they shouldn't reduce their production. Frequent pumping and feeding alike are what tells your body it needs to make milk - supply and demand however, give yourself some grace! Initially you produce colostrum which is thicker and harder to suck out for babe, and babe is new at this too! Don't jump to the pump if you don't have too because babies are actually WAY more effective at emptying you, which will better stimulate your production! BUT, If you have already decided breastfeeding isn't for you and baby, make sure you remember to bring them something to eat too.
Extras - ear plugs (you may not have a private room), massage gear for labouring, music, book/magazine (especially if you get an epidural), toothbrush, change of clothes with a loose fitting waist line