It's that time of year everyone who celebrates Christmas is super proud of their tree and determined to show it off thanks to social media.
Christmas decorating gives that sense of happiness, joy and celebration!
When you see those twinkling lights, the glow of candles and garland strung about, it starts to warm your heart (look out Mr. Grinch).
The star of the show however, is generally that big bushy tree in your living room. And why shouldn't it be? It's where you will all gather Christmas morning to exchange presents, hugs, smiles and thanks.

The interesting piece we are starting to experience is HOW that big beautiful tree changes over time.
It could be that I'm essentially 9 months pregnant with our second child, but our tree does not come close to resembling what it once did.
It's a sad looking fake tree standing no more than 5 foot 5 inches, and about 3 feet in width.
Am I sad about it? nope.
Our tree now is arguably more beautiful.
This year I've dubbed it "The Freya Tree".
Aside from a few metal stars we popped on it along with the lights, everything on that tree was hand made by her - with some assistance of course.

Creating those decorations was a lot of fun and certainly worth the time spent.
She is thrilled every time she looks at the tree seeing her Paw Patrol inspired snowflake to her arm-less cotton snow people. Nothing is greater than the smile she bears. Nothing.
So when you're out and about, sizing up the beauty of everyone's trees, think of ours if you're tempted to let some Grinch take over and judge. As ours is done with the love of a child's heart, and I wouldn't trade that for anything! <3
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone with the big lush fancily decorated tree to those with a stick in a cup!