Living On Parr
Wholesome Pastures
2010 - started dating. Lindsay moved across the country to start her nursing degree. Mike soon relocated to join her.
2012 - Lindsay graduated and the pair got engaged and returned to Ontario to Lindsay's family farm.
2013 - Wedding year and a private journey for genetic testing and the result. In Vitro Fertilization with Preimplant Genetic Diagnosis (IVF-PGD) was started.
2014 - 1st round of IVF-PGD completed with 11 embryos mature for implant but, after testing for HD only 2 were available. Lindsay was pregnant and shared the news of the pregnancy journey alongside her HD results to family and close friends.
2015 - Freya was born!
2016 - Miscarriage and a difficult mental health journey to repeat IVF-PGD for attempts at more HD-free children
2017 - failed implant. 4th implant was a single embryo that split - unexpected identical twins. After wrapping their heads around a twin pregnancy the following ultrasound shows one fetal demise and a single fetus grew continued to grow.
2018 - Kane was born!
2019 - After concerns over a malplaced umbilical cord and placenta placement, Gretta was born health but small!
2020 - Coronavirus quarantine
Our Journey
Simple Definition of family
a group of people who are related to each other
a person's children
a group of related people including people who lived in the past
close friends and colleagues
I admit, I even have my little animal family :)