Living On Parr
Wholesome Pastures
About Lindsay:
A mother, wife, Huntington Disease advocate and an RN
Living On Parr is about balancing life, work and everything in between. Checking in with emotional well being, health, stability and goal setting.
My farm background is in poultry, cattle and the field crop industry until unfortunate circumstances overcame our family - my father became a victim of Huntington Disease (HD).
I have a degree in Child, Youth and Family Studies, BASc. from the University of Guelph, Ontario and a degree in Nursing, BSN from The University of British Columbia.
Working as a registered nurse in a rural Emergency Department while also working alongside Mike to cover the many different areas of the farm.
I have lived with the risk of HD nearly my entire life
I am not symptomatic of HD, but decided to get tested in order to protect my future children (2013)
My husband and I have used In Vitro Therapy since 2013. We have done 2 rounds of egg retrievals and presently have 3 children who are HD free.
Right now, I am a healthy woman
March 8, 2017: Canada finally passed a bill through the House of Commons working to protect it's citizens from genetic discrimination. Thanks in part to Bev Heim-Myers.
I've always volunteered in some capacity but at present;
- Private mentoring re: IVF-PGD and Family Planning
- Advocacy Coordinator of YPAHD (Young People Affected by Huntington Disease 2014-2018)
- Chair of The Huntington Heroes Hike - Exeter, Ontario - 2015-present

About Michael:
A father, farmer, conservationist and environmentally conscious leader.
In an environment where change can be difficult (generations of farming "this way") Mike has been changing his practices before others around him by re-fencing fields, rotationally grazing livestock, organically building up soils and working against erosion issues in Huron County.
At an Innovative Farmers conference in 2014 Mike was captivated by the idea of using cover crops between traditional crop rotations and integrating a no-til system to improve soil integrity and health. His vision of a holistic farming approach took off after that.
Now he lives beyond sustainable farming, as we don't want to sustain what is broken!
Regenerative farming practices became his mission and is what he continues to evolve through self education and conference opportunities, being involved in the Huron Perth & Middlesex Beef Breeders Association acting as Vice President as well as the Board for The Innovative Farmers of Ontario.
Mike was raised on a crop and dairy farm with three brothers.
Formally educated from Lakeland College for Fire Fighting and Industrial Maintenance from Fanshawe College.
Full time farmer working as owner of On Parr Agra.