Do you ever have those days, or weeks, where you have to get so many things done but feel as if nothing is being accomplished? How is it that this Ikea cabinet is still sitting in pieces after 3 months?!
Whether it's accomplishing something basic or complicated, learning how to set goals properly will make a huge difference.
If nursing has taught me one thing, it's how to set goals in a way that allows for success and it's done by using a pretty simple method: S.M.A.R.T.
I really didn't care much for doing these in nursing school although, I did recognize how it would be helpful throughout every aspect of my life and, this has been true. Although it takes a few extra minutes to sit and break it down, it's totally worth it and works for just about everything.
It's your choice to use it or not, but I'd suggest trying it...
at least once.

S - Specific - what EXACTLY are you wanting to do? Who is taking part? Can you break this task down into a series of smaller steps? Don't make a vague statement about something. Use the 6-W questions for guidance here; who, what, when, where, why, which.
M- Measureable - How will you know when it's completed? What is the criteria you will use? Time? Quantity? Skill?
A- Attainable - How will you achieve this goal? what are your attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity - and can you modify these? What resources do you have?
R- Realistic/Relevant - Is this goal actually possible? Are you willing and able to get there? Have you done anything similar in the past?
Higher goals expose greater motivation, but high goals are not synonymous with unrealistic goals. Challenging goals also offer high reward when accomplished, but be sure they are realistic and relevant.
T - Timely - Setting a time-frame offers a sense of urgency, a deadline. If you say "someday" it won't work. Instead, use a specific day and stick to it. "May 1". "Saturday".
Poor goal setting:
On the next rain day I'll work on getting the cabinet finished.
Proper Goal:
Sunday I'll assemble the cabinet drawers and hang the brackets. I'll use the tools from the basement and ensure they are all accounted for on Friday, and pick up anything I still need Saturday.
Poor Goal:
I want to learn about dementia.
Proper Goal:
I want to learn the difference between delirium and dementia including signs, symptoms and treatment. I will do this by June 14 by researching article via PubMed and nursing texts.
Good luck!!