Recently I've been enjoying this spring-like weather in mid-February. We rocked a record of 17 degrees Celsius today! The sun was shining so brightly people were walking the streets in their t-shirts, children and birds were splashing in puddles and mostly everyone you saw outside had a smile from ear to ear.
What is it about days like this that we are all smiling? Everyone seems to comment on the incredible positive impact the warm and bright sun seems to have on our mood.

Is it really that simple, that the sun is the reason for our positive attitude, that it somehow is helping to minimize everything 'wrong' with the day? If the same day happened with overcast and clouds, do you think you would cope any differently? How is it, that on days like this, we are able to see something that overall has minimal impact on our day and yet, we allow it to control a part of how we feel?
As I stood outside chatting with a friend about life's happenings, we quickly got on the topic of how everyone gets excited about the sun shining and became consciously aware that it's often harder to notice and celebrate things in our lives - "the little things".
Waking up every day with our loved ones should be enough, but the appreciation is often cut short by what plans we have and we wake up focused on the days plans and quickly scramble out the door.
It can be hard to 'stop and smell the roses' but when you take that time and practice this skill - because it is one - then I truly think our appreciation for time, place and those around us grows stronger.

My challenge for you, and myself, is: when time is slow - waiting in lines, driving in the car (with a quiet backseat), or taking a shower, think about all of the amazing things we have to be grateful for. Don't think large, just simple. Take a big look around and pick out details of your surroundings.
How many times do we hear people say "I saw a Robin. Spring is coming!" Look around. Are there birds on the tree branches singing and showing signs of spring? Isn't is amazing that a birds song or appearance can bring us a sense of joy?

When your child is chasing down a puck, stop and recognize how amazing it is that they are healthy enough to do that and that you can afford them that privilege. Perhaps look at it even more simply - you are fortunate to have a child that you can love and spend time with. Appreciate their youth and energy - even if it's exhausting at times - they won't always be young. Young kids can actually help to guide us in appreciating things because for them, a lot of experiences are their 'first' and it's new and exciting. Try to wrap your head around it being your first time doing it too, and why what you're looking at or doing may pretty neat.
Go for a walk with your family - especially if the sun is shining - and check out the area you choose. Isn't it amazing that you had transportation to get you there, and that we, as Canadians, have freedom to essentially go where we please when we please?!
At the end of the day, we should be thankful and with practice, we will be consciously aware of our daily fortune, blessings, and/or privileges.
Enjoy life.
Enjoy the small things.
Stop and smell the roses.